Periapt Advisory is a not-for-profit independent financial advisory, focussed on helping you create the life you want.
We are one of a kind in Australia. We provide independent financial advice under a not-for-profit structure, which means that our recommendations and guidance are 100% in your best interests. Our goal is to understand and help you achieve your goals.
We start by thoroughly reviewing with you your current situation. Once we have a comprehensive insight into where you are now, and where you want to be, we will be in a position to create for you a strategy – a roadmap – of how to get there.
All financial plans are created from scratch; there is no “cookie-cutter” approach whereby one solution is deemed to fit all. Not only are your own circumstances unique, but your goals and the timeframe to achieve them, and your attitude towards investments, including your appetite for risk, will be very different from others’, and the advice needs to reflect that.

The written advice prepared at Periapt Advisory is done by Jacie Taylor. She is helped by a committed team, who assist with answering the phone, public relations, and administration tasks. There is quite a bit of behind-the-scenes work that goes into running an independent advisory, as legal compliance is quite onerous and expensive.
Jacie was the first independent financial adviser in Adelaide, and she is a founding member of the Profession of Independent Financial Advisers (PIFA). Jacie holds a Masters in Applied Finance (with Distinction), the highest education qualification financial advisors have in Australia, and she is one of only three financial planners in SA to be recommended by the Australian Defence Force. Jacie is also an Accredited Aged Care Professional and SMSF Specialist.
Marco has always enjoyed and thrived in customer service-orientated roles. This began with over 20 years of experience in retail business management before he moved on to a career in real estate. The exposure to this high-pressure sales environment helped Marco understand for him to be successful he needed to truly believe in what he was selling.
As a natural extension of this, he joined his wife Jacie at Periapt Advisory in a supportive role; not only did he believe in the value of independent advice, but he was thrilled to be promoting the business which demonstrated the key principles Marco could get behind: quality advice delivered with integrity. Working for an independent not-for-profit advisory service with his wife & best friend at the helm has been his most rewarding career choice.
Although still licensed as a real estate agent and thoroughly enjoying this role within Periapt, Marco has other functions which are quite varied but mostly customer-focussed – he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Samantha commenced her career in finance in the late 80s with the SA Gas Company while undertaking a Bachelor of Commerce and IT. Over the next 25 years she transitioned through various accounting and IT roles. Sam then spent 15 years in IT, finance, and client admissions roles in aged care and the private sectors. Sam’s passion for helping families understand the complexities of aged care and government entitlements led her to the Service Administrator role with Periapt Advisory in 2022. She shares Jacie’s commitment to helping all Australians navigate the complex path to financial clarity and literacy, providing aged care and social security information and support. The highlight for Sam in joining Periapt, apart from the close-knit team, was the business approach – being not for profit, low cost, and embracing each client’s unique needs, and delivering outstanding quality, comprehensive, and goal-driven service and advice.